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Web Development
Section 1
Unit 1: Introduction to Web Development
Learning HTML5 Fundamentals
Mastering CSS3 Styling
Exploring the World of JavaScript
Understanding the Basics of Web Development
Section 2
Unit 2: Frontend Development
Implementing Responsive Design
Utilizing Bootstrap for Frontend Development
Getting Started with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Section 3
Unit 3: Backend Development
Understanding Node.js for Backend Development
Building Web Applications with Express.js
Creating RESTful APIs for Web Services
Unit 2 • Chapter 3
Getting Started with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Concept Check
What is the difference between a JavaScript library and a framework?
Libraries and frameworks both control structure and provide functions.
Libraries offer functions, frameworks control structure.
Libraries provide functions, while frameworks dictate the structure.
Libraries dictate structure, frameworks provide functions.
What are some popular JavaScript libraries used in web development?
React, Ruby, Vue, Django
Angular, React, Vue, Python
jQuery, React, Angular, Vue
jQuery, Python, Django, Ruby
How can you include a JavaScript library in your project?
Add a script tag with the library's URL in your HTML file.
Add the library as a dependency in your CSS file.
Import the library using import statement in JavaScript file.
Include the library using a package manager like npm.
What are some advantages of using JavaScript frameworks in development?
Varied structure, fast development, code sharing
Complex structure, slow development, code duplication
Consistent structure, efficient development, code reuse
Structured code, quick development, component reuse
Check Correctness
Utilizing Bootstrap for Frontend Development